First Bounty by malwarebytes(http to https redirection)

Hello Readers,

so i have been going through my old e-mails and found my 1st bounty i got from malwarebytes

it was easy to find such vulnerabilities, just keep looking at the requests and responses.

so this vulnerability was a simple redirection for secure to insecure form which a attacker can do MITM. i did some search to and found a good article here.

at that time i was a newbie and doesn't know about these vulnerabilties that much , i been through and found acunetix so i used it , it taught me alot , aside i did my own research days and nights.

"Never beg for help" do your own research , 
"Trail and error makes you perfect"

and at the end i got "100$" as a reward


  1. This effectively instructs the browser to only interact with the webpage over HTTPS. The browser will prevent a user from sending any requests to the site over HTTP.

  2. This kind of efficiently advices the particular web browser to be able to simply interact with the particular website above Redirect Http to Https. The particular web browser can stop any consumer coming from mailing virtually any asks for the website above HTTP.


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